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What does a website look like?You know the answer — you can describe what a website looks like because they all look the same:• a nice font• a background color, usually whiterows of rectangles, interspersed with• rectangular images, andhorizontal lines as separatorsSvija Changes EverythingWith Svija, everything is possible — curves, rotation, overlapping and transparency — anything you can imagine.The limits of HTML are gone; for the first time you can design freely — you can finally make websites that live up to the visual quality of your offline content.Svija is the future of the internet — it's time to evolve.

A new thing has arrived.

Build websites in SVG instead of HTML for incredible creative freedom

Svija is set of tools for building web sites using Adobe Illustrator

A task that took days now takes hours. A task that was joyless is now a pleasure. An impossible thing has become easy.

What does a website look like?

You know the answer — you can describe what a website looks like because they all look the same:

Svija Changes Everything

With Svija, everything is possible — curves, rotation, overlapping and transparency — anything you can imagine.

The limits of HTML are gone; for the first time you can design freely — you can finally make websites that live up to the visual quality of your offline content.

Svija is the future of the internet — it's time to evolve.

Experience an internet built with real tools.

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