Building a website is usually a multi-step process.
With Svija, we've eliminated all but the actual creation.
Development that would take weeks with a regular website builder takes days or even hours with Svija.
Get There Faster
Svija is fast for three reasons:
- Freed from HTML's interlocking rectangles, design is extremely rapid
- Adobe Illustrator exports SVG content directly — no conversion is necessary
- the SVG format displays perfectly every time — no verification is necessary
This speed creates unique opportunities for future web projects.
How websites are (usually) made
Until now, website builders manipulated HTML to show the desired design. Using HTML to build websites presents three big problems:
- HTML permits only rectangles and horizontal lines
- objects on the page interlock, and can't be freely moved
- multitudes of hidden objects push content to the correct location
HTML is based on GML
created by IBM in 1969
Svija is the only website builder to address these problems directly.
With Svija:
- any shape imaginable can easily be drawn
- each element on the page is positioned independently
- the SVG format uses only elements that are actually displayed, resulting in stable, predictable design
Adobe Illustrator exports SVG content directly
Final content is created directly in Adobe Illustrator — there's no conversion or verification necessary.
- Ai: Adobe Illustrator
- Svija Tools create and save pages
- Svija Sync continuously updates website
- Web
- Svija Admin to manage content
For a project where Svija is an appropriate choice, you can save about 80% of the time you would usually need to finish your website. The typical website contruction process looks more like this:
- buy theme
- change fonts & colors
- verify browser compatibility
- build website in complicated web interface
- modify to meet customer demands
- re-verify display
- web
The SVG format is precise
Each element is displayed using coordinates — no element is displaced by another:
- reproducible
- predictable
- precise
You can build a page and have confidence that it will display:
- perfectly
- consistantly
- every single time
1/100th of a pixel
Every element on the page is positioned to 1/100th of a pixel.
For example, this black box is at coordinates x: 1216.88, y: 2446.24 px:
The red box is a separate Illustrator file, at coordinates x: 840.27, y: 2199.78:
The corners touch perfectly in every browser, on every platform. You never have to check your work — it's always perfect.
Speed creates opportunities
With Svija, you can rapidly and easily create small websites that wouldn't have been worth the effort:
- turn a brochure into a website in a few hours
- ephemeral websites for event promotion
- offer a website to a client as a bonus for a separate project
- single-use websites for product launches
And you can create big websites that are simply incredible:
- fully integrate corporate branding (for the first time)
- impossibly beautiful graphics will impress your customers
- use time saved to increase content quality or quantity
- react quickly to current needs or events
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